Difference between aespas Karina and Giselles predebut Instagram surprises fans

Publish date: 2024-05-05

K-pop idols Karina and Giselle of aespa once again had fans going wild over their recent predebut pictures.

The artists' old Instagram accounts began swirling around on South Korean online forums recently, reflecting the duo's contrasting personalities.

The contrast between the two accounts surprised fans too, especially because both the idols are of the same age. They were born in 2001, making them 21 years old currently.

Yu Ji-min, aka Karina’s Instagram was filled with multiple selfies and had a clean bio. She also had nearly 6,000 followers, which was another surprising factor considering she was only a high school girl.

On the other hand, Japanese-Korean Giselle (Aeri Uchinaga) had an “Insta vibe” profile. Her Instagram account looked more aesthetic, with candid pictures thrown in between. Her face could only be seen in one picture out of the nine seen at the top of her account.

Fans discover aespa's Karina and Giselle’s predebut Instagram profiles

Considering the very guarded nature of K-pop idols, it is an open secret that they have to give up their public social media platforms the moment they begin training. This step is usually followed for several reasons, such as accidentally revealing the group one is training for, the song, or any other hint that could possibly leak information about the agency or debut group.

The predebut life of K-pop artists hence makes fans extremely curious. The latest in the predebut life reveal was Next Level girl group members Karina and Giselle’s Instagram. The layout and UI in the screenshots swirling around on social media makes it clear that it was from the old Instagram layout.

On Pann Nate, the South Korean online forum, an anonymous netizen posted photos describing each profile in a line. The blog post garnered over 98k views. Talking about Karina’s account, the user wrote:

“She was an innocent high schooler who put emoticons of little chicks and did a clean self-introduction and had almost 6K followers.”
Karina's predebut Instagram account (Image via Pann Nate)

For Giselle’s account, the netizen shared that it seemed like the Japanese-Korean aespa member was certainly aware of the Insta aesthetics.

“"Aeri. Tokyo", the hot Tokyo girl who knew well about the Insta vibe”
Giselle's predebut Instagram account (Image via Pann Nate)

Other Korean netizens commented on the differences between the two accounts and the overall vibe that was reflected in both the aespa members’ Instagram profile. Netizens were mostly in awe of Giselle’s account. One fan mentioned that the singer’s layout was in-line with today’s trends and did not look outdated at all.

Another fan commented that Giselle, despite being Japanese, looked more like a US gyopo, a term for native Koreans who permanently reside in another country. Take a look at the comments below:

K-netizens' comment on aespa members' predebut Instagram accounts (Image via pannchoa)

In other news, aespa’s fans recently lashed out at SM Entertainment for the group’s lack of promotions this year. The quintet has been active for two years, but only appeared in four music shows in 2022. They did have other massive achievements, such as performing at Coachella, grabbing a position on Time magazine’s Next Generation Leaders List and Forbes’ 30 under 30.

The only respite aespa’s fans have is with the newly announced agency-wide 2022 Winter SMTOWN project called SMCU PALACE, scheduled for release on December 26.

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