How much Energy Recharge and Elemental Mastery is required for Kazuha in Genshin Impact?

Publish date: 2024-04-22

Kazuha is one of the best Anemo support characters in Genshin Impact, and readers can expect many Travelers to wish on his first rerun banner. Although this samurai has been in the game for a year, new players may not know which to prioritize: Energy Recharge or Elemental Mastery.

In fact, Kazuha needs both of them equally, and it also depends on what his equipment and teammates are in the game. This article will discuss how much Energy Recharge and Elemental Mastery Kazuha needs to have a decent supportive skill and which weapon is best for the job in Genshin Impact.

Amount of Energy Recharge and Elemental Mastery for Kazuha in Genshin Impact detailed

Kazuha in Genshin Impact needs Energy Recharge to speed up his fill of Elemental Burst gauge. Next, his passive skill allows him to transform Elemental Mastery into an Elemental Damage bonus for the teammate based on the Swirled element. This is why Kazuha is better with EM stats compared to Crit stats.

The amount of Energy Recharge for this samurai is around 150-200% ER. However, this also depends on the team composition Kazuha is surrounded by. If Kazuha is in a team with lots of characters that can generate many particles, players can get away with a lower number of ER for Kazuha.

On the other hand, if the team needs a lot of particles, Kazuha should have a high amount of ER, preferably more than 180%.

Kazuha with Favonius Sword (Image via HoYoverse)

The best F2P weapon for Kazuha to have an extra Energy Recharge is the Favonius Sword, which provides an astounding 61.3% Energy Recharge at the highest level. In addition, his Crit hits will also generate six Energy that any active character can pick up on the field.

Now that Travelers have an idea for the Energy Recharge, they can move on to building the most important stat for Kazuha in Genshin Impact: Elemental Mastery. This stat is the easiest way to scale Kazuha's damage, in addition to working with his passive talent buff.

Kazuha with Viridescent Venerer artifact (Image via HoYoverse)

The best amount of Elemental Mastery for Kazuha is around 500-1000. The higher the amount players can get, the better he is. Genshin Impact gamers should focus on obtaining the Elemental Mastery artifact from the Viridescent Venerer (VV) domain. This way, Kazuha can have both the EM number and VV artifact bonuses.

Kazuha with Iron Sting (Image via HoYoverse)

If Kazuha still has low Elemental Mastery, players can opt to use the F2P Iron Sting on Kazuha, which will give him 165 EM. However, this may cause him to have a low Energy Recharge, so Travelers need to look out for ER sub-stats in the artifacts section.

New players may have a hard time choosing between Energy Recharge and Elemental Mastery, so they should focus on the latter for the long run.

Kazuha is an F2P-friendly character in Genshin Impact, allowing every player to enjoy using him. With a proper setup, his damage is comparable to a sub-DPS in the team, especially within various elemental characters.

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