What degree of latitude is London?

Publish date: 2024-05-17

London is located at a latitude of 51.509865 degrees North.

What latitude is the UK on?

The UK is located between approximately 50°N and 60°N.

Which is further north Seattle or London?

London is further north than Seattle. Seattle is located at approximately 47.6062° N latitude.

What line of latitude is the UK on?

The latitude of the UK is approximately 51°N.

Which city is 51 degrees north?

London is one of the cities located on the 51°N latitude.

What countries are on the same latitude as UK?

Countries such as Denmark, the southern parts of Norway, Sweden and Finland, the northern parts of Germany, Poland, and parts of central Russia are on the same latitude as the UK.

What latitude is France?

The latitude of France is 46.2276° N.

Is Paris further north than London?

No, London is further north than Paris. Paris is situated at a latitude of 48.8566° N.

What latitude is Paris compared to US?

Paris is at a latitude of 48.8566° N, which is slightly higher than Rolla, a city in the US.

Is London more north than New York?

Yes, London is further north than New York. The latitude of London is approximately 51°N.

Is London at a higher latitude than New York?

London is at a higher latitude than New York. The latitude of London is approximately 51°N.

What Cities are on the same latitude?

Major cities such as Madrid, Naples, Istanbul, Beijing, and New York are on the same parallel of latitude.

How high is London above sea level?

London is approximately 35 meters above sea level at its highest point.

What country is directly opposite the UK?

Geographically, the antipodes of the British Isles are in the Pacific Ocean, south of New Zealand.

Is Japan further north than the UK?

No, Japan is further south than the UK. The northernmost point of Japan is around 45°N, while the UK is between 50°N and 60°N.

Is the UK more north than America?

Yes, the entire UK lies north of the contiguous USA.

Which European city is the same latitude as New York?

Naples, Italy is on the same latitude as New York. Both cities are located at approximately 40° N.

What is more north New York or Paris?

Paris is more north than New York. The latitude of Paris is approximately 48.8566° N.

Why is Montreal colder than Paris?

Montreal is colder than Paris due to its more inland location and lack of the warming influence of the Gulf Stream.

What country covers the most latitude?

Chile covers the most latitude, stretching from about 17°S to 56°S, covering approximately 39 degrees of latitude.

Why do people move to France?

People move to France for advantages such as healthcare, good quality of life, delicious food, and stunning landscapes.

What countries are at 0 latitude?

Countries such as Ecuador, Colombia, Brazil, Sao Tome & Principe, Gabon, Congo, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Uganda, Kenya, Somalia, Maldives, Indonesia, and Kiribati are at the equator, which is at 0 latitude.
